


The BPP curriculum is unique because it not only addresses skills to communicate with your infant; but provides couples with a framework to increase meaningful communication between each other.  Our approach addresses common communication barriers couples face after the arrival of a new baby, in addition to providing techniques for self-care and methods for creating a solid support system.  BPP is not a therapeutic model, but a prevention-focused, skill-based program that can help couples cope with the many stressors associated with parenthood.

Our workshop facilitators are the face of the Becoming Parents Program (BPP).  They are the interface between BPP and thousands of couples adding babies to their families.  BPP does not require a specific degree to teach the program.  Potential facilitators must only have the desire to help couples, the willingness to learn the curriculum, and skill as a facilitator.

The Becoming Parents Program is currently being utilized by several organizations around the world.  BPP was chosen as a model curriculum for the Building Strong Families and Supporting Healthy Marriage National Demonstration Projects for parents.  The curriculum is also being implemented across the state of Oklahoma in an effort to strengthen couple relationships and stabilize families to improve outcomes for children.

The Becoming Parents Program curriculum is based on the innovative research of Pam Jordan, Ph.D., RN and other leading experts on infants, relationships, and new parenthood.  Currently, BPP offers instructor trainings in our original format, as well as two special adaptations (derivatives):

1.  BPP – Original Format

This workshop-based curriculum provides participants with couple-focused relationship skills, information on self-care and creating support systems, and up-to-date education on understanding and interacting with infants.

2.  BPP – Low-Income Couples Derivative

This derivative has been adapted to meet the needs of underserved and lower income populations to decrease barriers to learning.  Workshop hours are extended to allow for increased group discussion and a more kinesthetic learning environment. Facilitators are also provided with training in administering targeted support services designed to increase couple engagement and reduce attrition.  The Oklahoma Marriage Initiative, Building Strong Families Project, and Supporting Healthy Marriages Project are successfully implementing this derivative.

3.  BPP – Hispanic/Latino Derivative

This adaptation builds on the original BPP curriculum to incorporate values and norms associated with Hispanic/Latino culture.  Workshop hours are extended to allow for increased group discussion and a more kinesthetic learning environment.  Facilitators have the to option to deliver this version in Spanish or English.

Please contact BPP if these options do not meet the needs of the populations you serve.  We can create new versions or train your staff on adaptations for special populations.

For more information on how you can bring one of our BPP Curriculum Trainers to your area contact Aly Frei at

As a BPP Instructor You Will Receive

  • Comprehensive training on BPP content and implementation
  • Ongoing support from BPP staff to achieve program success
  • Up-to-date research summaries on parenting and couple relationships
  • Cutting edge techniques on teaching about infants and couple-focused skill building

Information on upcoming trainings.